the difference

INTEGI S.A. offers a wide range of burnishing, knurling and rotary broaching products, from the simplest ones to the most demanding ones, all of them capable of producing high quality results with an optimal performance in terms of costs.

Gran equipo humano

Somos un gran equipo. Altamente cualificado, eficiente y motivado

Amplio Stock

Nuestro stock permanente de mas de 15.000 referencias nos permite que más del 90% de las expediciones se realizan en menos de 24 horas.

Departamento Técnico

Diseñamos y fabricamos soluciones especiales en un tiempo reducido y con total garantía de eficiencia

Compromiso con la calidad

Implementamos constantemente metodologías de mejora y actualizamos nuestros equipos de verificación y control para poder garantizar la calidad


Más de 40 años de trabajo han hecho que la marca INTEGI sea sinónimo de experiencia, calidad y servicio, cuando se trata de moleteado, brochado rotatorio o bruñido. Disponemos de una amplia red comercial que cubren la mayoría de los países industrializados. Gran perfil exportador, con un ratio de exportación superior al 70%. Nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la innovación nos hace estar continuamente pendientes de las necesidades de nuestros clientes, desarrollando e implementando productos que se adaptan perfectamente a sus exigencias.
  • 1972Fundación

    La empresa se funda bajo el nombre “INTEC” en Ermua, Bizkaia. Inicialmente basa su actividad en el mecanizado de piezas para diferentes sectores

  • 1978Refundación

    La empresa se refunda con el nombre definitivo de “INTEGI” y comienza con la fabricación y venta de herramientas, actividad que compagina con el mecanizado de piezas para el sector armero y automoción
  • 1985Fabricación de Herramientas de Moleteado

    Integi centra su actividad en la fabricación de herramientas de moletear y amplia la gama de este tipo de producto con las primeras herramientas de moletear por corte
  • 1990Comienzo de la expansión

    Las herramientas de moletear pasan a ser el producto principal. Se diseñan y fabrican nuevos modelos hasta presentar un catálogo completo, capaz de competir en los mercados internacionales con los principales fabricantes de este tipo de herramientas. Se amplía la red comercial tanto nacional como internacional asistiendo a ferias del sector en Europa, Asia y América.
  • 1995AFM

    Entra a formar parte de AFM “Asociación Española de Fabricantes de herramientas para Máquina Herramienta “y amplía su red comercial.
  • 2006Poliprofile

    Lanzamiento de una nueva línea de productos. Cabezales de brochado rotatoria marca POLIPROFILE.
  • 2015Actualización

    Nueva imagen corporativa
  • 2016Traslado y ampliación

    Integi se traslada al municipio de Zaldibar a unas instalaciones más modernas y con el doble de m2 lo que le permite aumentar su parque de maquinaria adquiriendo nuevos centros de mecanizado y de torneado
  • 2017Certificado ISO

    Integi se certifica en la norma ISO 9001:2015
  • ActualidadReconocimiento mundial

    En la actualidad, tras 40 años de trabajo Integi es una marca de herramientas reconocida mundialmente por su alta calidad y buen servicio, avalada por multitud de clientes satisfechos. La empresa cuenta con un gran equipo humano, altamente cualificado y comprometido con la firma y una amplia red comercial que cubre la mayoría de los países industrializados del mundo

Burnishing Technology

Fill out the following form to request information about Burnishing Technology

    What are you interested in?

    Knurling Technology

    Fill out the following form to request information about Knurling Technology

      What are you interested in?

      Broaching Technology

      Fill out the following form to request information about Rotary Broaching Technology

        What are you interested in?

        Broaching Technology

        Fill out the following form to download the catalog of Broaches and External Broaches

          Broaching Technology

          Fill out the following form to download the Rotary Broaching Technology catalog

            Burnishing Technology

            Fill out the following form to download the catalog of Burnishing Rollers and Diamonds

              Burnishing Technology

              Fill out the following form to download the Burnishing Technology catalog

                Knurling Technology

                Fill out the following form to download the Knurls catalog

                  Knurling Technology

                  Fill out the following form to download the Knurling Technology catalog

                    Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile R3

                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile R3 Rotary Broaching Tool

                      Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile 4

                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile 4 Rotary Broaching Tool

                        Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile 3

                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile 3 Rotary Broaching Tool

                          Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile 2

                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile 2 Rotary Broaching Tool

                            Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile 1

                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile 1 Rotary Broaching Tool

                              Rotary Broaching Tool. Poliprofile 0

                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the Poliprofile 0 Rotary Broaching Tool

                                Burnishing Tool. HBUD-P

                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBUD-P Burnishing Tool

                                  Burnishing Tool. HBUD-G

                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBUD-G Burnishing Tool

                                    Burnishing Tool. HBU 42

                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBU 42 Burnishing Tool

                                      Burnishing Tool. HBU 20

                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBU 20 Burnishing Tool

                                        Burnishing Tool. HBSD

                                        Rellana el siguiente formulario para descargar la ficha técnica del Cabezal de Bruñido HBSD

                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBSD Burnishing Tool

                                          Burnishing Tool. HBMD

                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBMD Burnishing Tool

                                            Burnishing Tool. HBM 20-E

                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBM 20-E Burnishing Tool

                                              Burnishing Tool. HBM 20-B

                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBM 20-B Burnishing Tool

                                                Burnishing Tool. HBI 20

                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBI 20 Burnishing Tool

                                                  Burnishing Tool. HBED

                                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBED Burnishing Tool

                                                    Burnishing Tool. HBE

                                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBE Burnishing Tool

                                                      Burnishing Tool. HBCD

                                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBCD Burnishing Tool

                                                        Burnishing Tool. HBC 20-E

                                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBC 20-E Burnishing Tool

                                                          Burnishing Tool. HBC 20-B

                                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBC 20-B Burnishing Tool

                                                            Burnishing Tool. HBB

                                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the HBB Burnishing Tool

                                                              Knurling Tool. MFS1 14

                                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF1 14 Knurling Tool

                                                                Knurling Tool. MFS 89

                                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF 89 Knurling Tool

                                                                  Knurling Tool. MF 42

                                                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF 42 Knurling Tool

                                                                    Knurling Tool. MF 21 VDI

                                                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF 21 VDI Knurling Tool

                                                                      Knurling Tool. MF 21

                                                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF  21 Knurling Tool

                                                                        Knurling Tool. MF 14

                                                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF 14 Knurling Tool

                                                                          Knurling Tool. MF1 14

                                                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF1 14 Knurling Tool

                                                                            Knurling Tool. MF 89

                                                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MF 89 Knurling Tool

                                                                              Knurling Tool. MFS 42

                                                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF 32 Knurling Tool

                                                                                Knurling Tool. MFS 32

                                                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF 32 Knurling Tool

                                                                                  Knurling Tool. MFS 21

                                                                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF 21 Knurling Tool

                                                                                    Knurling Tool. MFS 14

                                                                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the MSF 14 Knurling Tool

                                                                                      Knurling Tool. M9

                                                                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M9 Knurling Tool

                                                                                        Knurling Tool. M8

                                                                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M8 Knurling Tool

                                                                                          Knurling Tool. M7

                                                                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M7 Knurling Tool

                                                                                            Knurling Tool. M6

                                                                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M6 Knurling Tool

                                                                                              Knurling Tool. M5

                                                                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M5 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                Knurling Tool. M4

                                                                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M4 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                  Knurling Tool. M3

                                                                                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M3 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                    Knurling Tool. M23 B

                                                                                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M23 B Knurling Tool

                                                                                                      Knurling Tool. M23 A

                                                                                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M23 A Knurling Tool

                                                                                                        Knurling Tool. M22 B

                                                                                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M22 B Knurling Tool

                                                                                                          Knurling Tool. M22 A

                                                                                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M22 A Knurling Tool

                                                                                                            Knurling Tool. M21

                                                                                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M21 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                              Knurling Tool. M20

                                                                                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M20 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                                Knurling Tool. M2

                                                                                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M2 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                                  Knurling Tool. M19

                                                                                                                  Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M19 Knurling Tool.

                                                                                                                    Knurling Tool. M17 15 / M17 25

                                                                                                                    Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M11 15 / M17 25 Knurling Tool.

                                                                                                                      Knurling Tool. M17-10 / M17 20

                                                                                                                      Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M17-10 / M17 20 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                                        Knurling Tool. M16

                                                                                                                        Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M16 Knurling Tool.

                                                                                                                          Knurling Tool. M15

                                                                                                                          Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M15 Knurling Tool.

                                                                                                                            Knurling Tool. M12

                                                                                                                            Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M12 Knurling Tool.

                                                                                                                              Knurling Tool. M11

                                                                                                                              Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M11 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                                                Knurling Tool. M10

                                                                                                                                Fill out the following form to download the technical sheet of the M10 Knurling Tool

                                                                                                                                  Moleteador M1

                                                                                                                                  Rellana el siguiente formulario para descargar la ficha técnica del Moleteador M1

                                                                                                                                    Logueate para ver más contenido

                                                                                                                                    Si no dispones de un usuario para poder ver todo el contenido puedes solicitarlo mediante el formulario de contacto o llamándonos al 943 174 800